Conservation Floats
Please check back for updated information regarding 2019 Conservation Floats .
Great Miami River Edition?May 4, 2019
May 18, 2019 (Rain Date) 11:00 am All Ages Starting Location: Riverview Park Lawrenceburg Road Harrison, Ohio 45030 Ending Location: Shawnee Lookout 2008 Lawrenceburg Road North Bend, Ohio 45052 Registration Deadline April 26th or Once Registration is Full. |
Little Miami River Edition?June 15, 2019
June 22, 2019 (Rain Date) 11:00am All Ages Starting Location: Nesbit Park 198 Harrison Avenue Loveland, Ohio 5140 Ending Location: Lake Isabella 10174 Loveland Madeira Road Loveland, Ohio 45140 Registration Deadline June 7th or Once Registration is Full |
Participants can join Rivers Unlimited and educators from Hamilton County SWCD as they venture out on the Great Miami River and Little Miami River to discuss water quality and habitat, as well as sample for macro-invertebrates. Participants will be able to take a hands on approach while learning about water quality and habitat.
Participants should expect to spend 3-4 hours on these 4 mile educational canoe trips.
Participants should expect to spend 3-4 hours on these 4 mile educational canoe trips.
$5 Using your Canoe/Kayak
$15 Using our Canoe/Kayak
*Please note that if you are bringing your own canoe/kayak you are responsible for transportation.
Please mail cash or check along with waivers to the address below or drop them by the office.
$5 Using your Canoe/Kayak
$15 Using our Canoe/Kayak
*Please note that if you are bringing your own canoe/kayak you are responsible for transportation.
Please mail cash or check along with waivers to the address below or drop them by the office.
Registration is limited
To register please call or email Sara Fehring
513-772-7645 ext. 25
*You are not officially registered until you have mailed in both waivers and payment.
To register please call or email Sara Fehring
513-772-7645 ext. 25
*You are not officially registered until you have mailed in both waivers and payment.
Please complete both waivers and send to Sara Fehring, along with payment, prior to the event.
Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District
Attn: Sara Fehring
1325 E. Kemper Road, Suite 115
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246
All participants must have a completed American Canoe Association Membership Form & a HCSWCD Liability Release Form.
*Please note that there is an adult and minor ACA waiver.
** When filling out the ACA waiver please check the box at the top that reads "I would like an ACA Event Membership for $5".
Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District
Attn: Sara Fehring
1325 E. Kemper Road, Suite 115
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246
All participants must have a completed American Canoe Association Membership Form & a HCSWCD Liability Release Form.
*Please note that there is an adult and minor ACA waiver.
** When filling out the ACA waiver please check the box at the top that reads "I would like an ACA Event Membership for $5".
What you will need
- Signed Waiver
- Drink
- Snack/lunch
- Sunscreen
- Bug Spray
- Protective gear (Hat/Sunglasses)
- Water Shoes (Shoes that you don't mind to get wet)
- Change of dry clothes to leave in car
For more information about Rivers Unlimited please visit